namespace App\Entity;
use DateTime;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Symfony\Component\Intl\Countries;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Annotation\Groups;
* User
* @ORM\Entity
class User implements UserInterface
* @var int
* @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=false, options={"unsigned"=true})
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="IDENTITY")
private $id;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="password", type="string", length=190, nullable=true)
private $password;
* @var string|null
* @ORM\Column(name="email", type="string", length=190, nullable=true)
private $email;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=100, nullable=true)
* @Groups({"api_login", "other_group"})
private $firstName;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=100, nullable=true)
* @Groups({"api_login", "other_group"})
private $lastName;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=50, nullable=true)
private $role;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=100, nullable=true)
* @Groups({"api_login", "other_group"})
private $fullName;
* @ORM\OneToOne(targetEntity=Media::class, cascade={"persist", "remove"})
private $avatar;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=50, nullable=true)
* @Groups("api_login")
private $country;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=50, nullable=true)
private $institution;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=50, nullable=true)
private $departement;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=50, nullable=true)
private $speciality;
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\Publication", mappedBy="user")
private $publications;
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\Allpublications", mappedBy="user")
private $allpublications;
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\Book", mappedBy="user")
private $books;
* @ORM\Column(type="integer", nullable=true)
private $verificationCode;
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\Chapter", mappedBy="user")
private $chapters;
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\Conference", mappedBy="user")
* @Groups("api_login")
private $conferences;
* @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\Journal", inversedBy="users")
private $favoriteJournals;
* @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\Follow", inversedBy="followers",cascade={"persist"})
* @Groups("api_login")
private $follows;
* @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\Category", inversedBy="users",cascade={"persist"})
private $categories;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=100, nullable=true)
private $facebook;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=100, nullable=true)
private $twitter;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=100, nullable=true)
private $linkedIn;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=100, nullable=true)
private $instagram;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=100, nullable=true)
private $youtube;
* @ORM\Column(type="datetime", nullable=true)
* @Groups("api_login")
private $createdAt;
* @ORM\Column(type="datetime", nullable=true)
private $birthday;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=50, nullable=true)
private $gender;
*@ORM\Column(type="boolean", options={"default":"0"}, nullable=true)
private $isDeleted;
* @ORM\Column(type="datetime", nullable=true)
private $deletedAt;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=150, nullable=true)
private $deactivationReason;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=50, nullable=true)
private $googleId;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=50, nullable=true)
private $facebookId;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=50, nullable=true)
private $linkedinId;
* @ORM\Column(type="text", nullable=true)
private $pictureSocial;
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity=Comment::class, mappedBy="publisher", orphanRemoval=true)
* @Groups("api_login")
private $comments;
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity=Report::class, mappedBy="reporter", orphanRemoval=true)
* @Groups("api_login")
private $reports;
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity=Contribution::class, mappedBy="author", orphanRemoval=true)
private $contributions;
public function __construct()
$this->publications = new ArrayCollection();
$this->books = new ArrayCollection();
$this->chapters = new ArrayCollection();
$this->conferences = new ArrayCollection();
$this->follows = new ArrayCollection();
$this->categories = new ArrayCollection();
$this->comments = new ArrayCollection();
$this->reports = new ArrayCollection();
$this->contributions = new ArrayCollection();
* @return mixed
* @Groups("api_login")
public function getCountry()
return $this->country;
* @param string $country
public function setCountry($country): void
$this->country = $country;
* @return string
public function getDepartement()
return $this->departement;
* @param string $departement
public function setDepartement($departement): void
$this->departement = $departement;
* @return string
public function getFullName()
return $this->fullName;
* @param string $fullName
public function setFullName($fullName): void
$this->fullName = $fullName;
* @return string
public function getInstitution()
return $this->institution;
* @param string $institution
public function setInstitution($institution): void
$this->institution = $institution;
* @return string
public function getSpeciality()
return $this->speciality;
* @param string $speciality
public function setSpeciality($speciality): void
$this->speciality = $speciality;
* @return Collection|Publication[]
* @Groups("api_login")
public function getPublications(): Collection
return $this->publications;
public function addPublication(Publication $publication): self
if (!$this->publications->contains($publication)) {
$this->publications[] = $publication;
return $this;
public function removePublication(Publication $publication): self
if ($this->publications->contains($publication)) {
// set the owning side to null (unless already changed)
if ($publication->getRelation() === $this) {
return $this;
* @return Collection|Book[]
public function getBooks(): Collection
return $this->books;
public function addBook(Book $book): self
if (!$this->books->contains($book)) {
$this->books[] = $book;
return $this;
public function removeBook(Book $book): self
if ($this->books->contains($book)) {
// set the owning side to null (unless already changed)
if ($book->getUser() === $this) {
return $this;
* @return Collection|Chapter[]
* @Groups("api_login")
public function getChapters(): Collection
return $this->chapters;
public function addChapter(Chapter $chapter): self
if (!$this->chapters->contains($chapter)) {
$this->chapters[] = $chapter;
return $this;
public function removeChapter(Chapter $chapter): self
if ($this->chapters->contains($chapter)) {
// set the owning side to null (unless already changed)
if ($chapter->getUser() === $this) {
return $this;
* @return Collection|Conference[]
public function getConferences(): Collection
return $this->conferences;
public function addConference(Conference $conference): self
if (!$this->conferences->contains($conference)) {
$this->conferences[] = $conference;
return $this;
public function removeConference(Conference $conference): self
if ($this->conferences->contains($conference)) {
// set the owning side to null (unless already changed)
if ($conference->getUser() === $this) {
return $this;
public function getId(): ?int
return $this->id;
* @ORM\Column(type="json", nullable=true)
private $roles = [];
* @ORM\Column(type="boolean", options={"default":"0"})
private $is_verified = false;
* @ORM\Column(type="text", nullable=true)
private $token;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $phone;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $academic_mail;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $research_field;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $thesis_subject;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $thesis_director;
* @ORM\Column(type="text", nullable=true)
private $team;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $research_lab;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $doctoral_school;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $university;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $location;
* @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255, nullable=true)
private $laboratory_email;
public function setAddresse($adresse): void
$this->getContact()->addContactAddress($adresse) ;
* @return Collection|Journal[]
* @
public function getFavoriteJournals(): Collection
return $this->favoriteJournals;
public function addFavoriteJournal(Journal $favoriteJournal): self
if (!$this->favoriteJournals->contains($favoriteJournal)) {
$this->favoriteJournals[] = $favoriteJournal;
return $this;
public function removeFavoriteJournal(Journal $favoriteJournal): self
if ($this->favoriteJournals->contains($favoriteJournal)) {
return $this;
* @return string
public function getApiBasePath(): string
return $this->apiBasePath;
* @param string $apiBasePath
public function setApiBasePath(string $apiBasePath): void
$this->apiBasePath = $apiBasePath;
* @return mixed
public function getFacebook()
return $this->facebook;
* @param mixed $facebook
public function setFacebook($facebook): void
$this->facebook = $facebook;
* @return mixed
public function getLinkedIn()
return $this->linkedIn;
* @param mixed $linkedIn
public function setLinkedIn($linkedIn): void
$this->linkedIn = $linkedIn;
* @return mixed
public function getTwitter()
return $this->twitter;
* @param mixed $twitter
public function setTwitter($twitter): void
$this->twitter = $twitter;
* @return mixed
public function getInstagram()
return $this->instagram;
* @param mixed $instagram
public function setInstagram($instagram): void
$this->instagram = $instagram;
* @return mixed
public function getYoutube()
return $this->youtube;
* @param mixed $youtube
public function setYoutube($youtube): void
$this->youtube = $youtube;
* @return mixed
public function getAllpublications()
return $this->allpublications;
* @param mixed $allpublications
public function setAllpublications($allpublications): void
$this->allpublications = $allpublications;
* @return mixed
public function getFollows()
return $this->follows;
public function addFollow(Follow $follow): self
if (!$this->follows->contains($follow)) {
$this->follows[] = $follow;
return $this;
public function removeFollow(Follow $follow): self
if ($this->follows->contains($follow)) {
return $this;
* @return mixed
public function getCategories()
return $this->categories;
public function addCategory(Category $category): self
if (!$this->categories->contains($category)) {
$this->categories[] = $category;
return $this;
public function removeCategory(Category $category): self
if ($this->categories->contains($category)) {
return $this;
* @return DateTime
public function getBirthday()
return $this->birthday;
* @param DateTime $birthday
public function setBirthday(?DateTime $birthday): void
$this->birthday = $birthday;
* @return String
public function getGender()
return $this->gender;
* @param string $gender
public function setGender(?String $gender): void
$this->gender = $gender;
* @return DateTime
public function getCreatedAt()
return $this->createdAt;
* @param mixed $createdAt
public function setCreatedAt($createdAt): void
$this->createdAt = $createdAt;
* @return bool
public function getDeleted()
return $this->isDeleted;
* @param bool $deleted
public function setDeleted(bool $deleted): void
$this->isDeleted = $deleted;
* @return DateTime
public function getDeletedAt()
return $this->deletedAt;
* @param DateTime $deletedAt
public function setDeletedAt(DateTime $deletedAt): void
$this->deletedAt = $deletedAt;
* @return String
public function getDeactivationReason()
return $this->deactivationReason;
* @param string $reason
public function setDeactivationReason(String $reason): void
$this->deactivationReason = $reason;
* @return mixed
public function getGoogleId()
return $this->googleId;
* @param mixed $googleId
public function setGoogleId($googleId): void
$this->googleId = $googleId;
* @return mixed
public function getPictureSocial()
return $this->pictureSocial;
* @param mixed $pictureSocial
public function setPictureSocial($pictureSocial): void
$this->pictureSocial = $pictureSocial;
* @return mixed
public function getFacebookId()
return $this->facebookId;
* @param mixed $facebookId
public function setFacebookId($facebookId): void
$this->facebookId = $facebookId;
* @return mixed
public function getLinkedinId()
return $this->linkedinId;
* @param mixed $linkedinId
public function setLinkedinId($linkedinId): void
$this->linkedinId = $linkedinId;
* @return Collection<int, Comment>
public function getComments(): Collection
return $this->comments;
public function addComment(Comment $comment): self
if (!$this->comments->contains($comment)) {
$this->comments[] = $comment;
return $this;
public function removeComment(Comment $comment): self
if ($this->comments->removeElement($comment)) {
// set the owning side to null (unless already changed)
if ($comment->getPublisher() === $this) {
return $this;
* @return Collection<int, Report>
public function getReports(): Collection
return $this->reports;
public function addReport(Report $report): self
if (!$this->reports->contains($report)) {
$this->reports[] = $report;
return $this;
public function removeReport(Report $report): self
if ($this->reports->removeElement($report)) {
// set the owning side to null (unless already changed)
if ($report->getReporter() === $this) {
return $this;
* @return Collection<int, Contribution>
public function getContributions(): Collection
return $this->contributions;
public function addContribution(Contribution $contribution): self
if (!$this->contributions->contains($contribution)) {
$this->contributions[] = $contribution;
return $this;
public function removeContribution(Contribution $contribution): self
if ($this->contributions->removeElement($contribution)) {
// set the owning side to null (unless already changed)
if ($contribution->getAuthor() === $this) {
return $this;
public function getVerificationCode(): ?int
return $this->verificationCode;
public function setVerificationCode(?int $verificationCode): self
$this->verificationCode = $verificationCode;
return $this;
public function getSalt()
// TODO: Implement getSalt() method.
public function eraseCredentials()
// TODO: Implement eraseCredentials() method.
public function getPassword(): ?string
return $this->password;
public function setPassword(?string $password): void
$this->password = $password;
public function getUsername(): ?string
return $this->email;
public function setUsername(?string $email): void
$this->email = $email;
public function getEmail(): ?string
return $this->email;
public function setEmail(?string $email): void
$this->email = $email;
* @return mixed
public function getIsDeleted()
return $this->isDeleted;
* @param mixed $isDeleted
public function setIsDeleted($isDeleted): void
$this->isDeleted = $isDeleted;
public function getRoles(): ?array
$roles= $this->roles;
return $roles ? array_unique($roles) : ['ROLE_USER'];
public function addRole(string $role): self
$this->roles[] = $role;
return $this;
public function removeRole(string $role): self
if (false !== $key = array_search($role, $this->roles, true)) {
$this->roles = array_values($this->roles);
return $this;
* @return mixed
* @return mixed
public function getLastName()
return $this->lastName;
* @param mixed $lastName
public function setLastName($lastName): void
$this->lastName = $lastName;
* @return mixed
public function getFirstName()
return $this->firstName;
* @param mixed $firstName
public function setFirstName($firstName): void
$this->firstName = $firstName;
public function getIsVerified(): ?bool
return $this->is_verified;
public function setIsVerified(bool $is_verified): self
$this->is_verified = $is_verified;
return $this;
public function getToken(): ?string
return $this->token;
public function setToken(?string $token): self
$this->token = $token;
return $this;
* @return mixed
public function getRole()
return $this->role;
* @param mixed $role
public function setRole($role): void
$this->role = $role;
public function getPhone(): ?string
return $this->phone;
public function setPhone(?string $phone): self
$this->phone = $phone;
return $this;
public function getAvatar(): ?Media
return $this->avatar;
public function setAvatar(?Media $avatar): self
$this->avatar = $avatar;
return $this;
public function getAcademicMail(): ?string
return $this->academic_mail;
public function setAcademicMail(?string $academic_mail): self
$this->academic_mail = $academic_mail;
return $this;
public function getResearchField(): ?string
return $this->research_field;
public function setResearchField(?string $research_field): self
$this->research_field = $research_field;
return $this;
public function getThesisSubject(): ?string
return $this->thesis_subject;
public function setThesisSubject(?string $thesis_subject): self
$this->thesis_subject = $thesis_subject;
return $this;
public function getThesisDirector(): ?string
return $this->thesis_director;
public function setThesisDirector(?string $thesis_director): self
$this->thesis_director = $thesis_director;
return $this;
public function getTeam(): ?string
return $this->team;
public function setTeam(?string $team): self
$this->team = $team;
return $this;
public function getResearchLab(): ?string
return $this->research_lab;
public function setResearchLab(?string $research_lab): self
$this->research_lab = $research_lab;
return $this;
public function getDoctoralSchool(): ?string
return $this->doctoral_school;
public function setDoctoralSchool(?string $doctoral_school): self
$this->doctoral_school = $doctoral_school;
return $this;
public function getUniversity(): ?string
return $this->university;
public function setUniversity(?string $university): self
$this->university = $university;
return $this;
public function getLocation(): ?string
return $this->location;
public function setLocation(?string $location): self
$this->location = $location;
return $this;
public function getLaboratoryEmail(): ?string
return $this->laboratory_email;
public function setLaboratoryEmail(?string $laboratory_email): self
$this->laboratory_email = $laboratory_email;
return $this;