templates/refonte/default/searchV.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'refonte/base.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block title %}({{ total }}) Journals Found - {% endblock %}
  3. {% block meta_title %}({{ total }}) Journals Found - {% endblock %}
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  42.                     {% include 'refonte/pages/parts/search-form.html.twig' %}
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  45.         </div>
  46.     </div>
  47.     <div class="mx-0">
  48.         <div class="container mx-auto px-2 " id="show-item-container">
  49.             {% if results is defined %}
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  51.                     <div class="d-flex flex-column justify-content-center" >
  52.                         <h3 class="text-center text-uppercase">
  53.                             <b>{{ total }} journal(s) matched your search</b>
  54.                         </h3>
  55.                         {% if search is defined %}
  56.                             <h6 class="text-center font-italic">Journal(s) with :<b>{{ search }}</b> </h6>
  57.                         {% endif %}
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  63.                             <div>
  64.                                 {% include 'refonte/_includes/journal-datatable.html.twig' with {'journals': results} %}
  65.                             </div>
  66.                         {% else %}
  67.                             <div class="table-responsive">
  68.                                 <table class="table mb-5">
  69.                                     <thead>
  70.                                     <tr>
  71.                                         <th scope="col">No results found ! Adjust your filter and retry</th>
  72.                                     </tr>
  73.                                     </thead>
  74.                                 </table>
  75.                             </div>
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  82.                         </div>#}{#
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  84.                     </div>
  85.                 </div>
  86.             {% endif %}
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