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  167.                             {% elseif app.user and noAuthorsFound %}
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  171.                                 Learn about their work, innovations, and impact on advancing knowledge and solving global challenges.
  172.                             {% endif %}
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  185.                                             {{ author.lastKnownInstitutions[0].display_name|length > 20 ?  author.lastKnownInstitutions[0].display_name[:20] ~ '...' :  author.lastKnownInstitutions[0].display_name  }}
  186.                                             - {{ author.lastKnownInstitutions[0].country_code }}</small>
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  231.                                 <div class="stat-number" data-target="{{ countCountries }}">0</div>
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  240.                                 </svg>
  241.                                 <div class="stat-number" data-target="{{ allCategories|length }}">0</div>
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  243.                             </div>
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