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293 journal(s) matched your search

Journal(s) with : - Subject Area : Statistics and Probability
Journal name Publisher E-ISSN
Statistics and Risk Modeling Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2193-1402
Statistics Education Research Journal International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) 1570-1824
Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research Taylor and Francis Ltd. 1946-6315
Statistics in Biosciences Springer New York 1867-1764
Statistics in Medicine John Wiley and Sons Ltd 0277-6715
Statistics in Transition 2450-0291
Statistics in Transition Central Statistical Office of Poland 2450-0291
Statistics Surveys Institute of Mathematical Statistics 1935-7516
Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing International Academic Press 2310-5070
Statistics, Politics and Policy Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2151-7509

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