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293 journal(s) matched your search

Journal(s) with : - Subject Area : Statistics and Probability
Journal name Publisher E-ISSN
Biometrics Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd 0006-341X
Biometrika Oxford University Press 1464-3510
Biostatistics Oxford University Press 1465-4644
BioSystems Elsevier Ireland Ltd 0303-2647
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics Associacao Brasileira de Estatistica 1030-0752
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics Associacao Brasileira de Estatistica 0103-0752
British Actuarial Journal Cambridge University Press 1357-3217
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology Wiley-Blackwell 0007-1102
Calcutta Statistical Association Bulletin Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd 0008-0683
Canadian Journal of Statistics Wiley-Blackwell 0319-5724

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