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Best Practice and Research in Clinical Rheumatology

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Publisher Bailliere Tindall Ltd
Open Access YES
Quartile Q1
Citation Count 960
P-ISSN 1521-6942
E-ISSN 1532-1770
Categories Medicine (miscellaneous), Rheumatology
Area Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, Immunology, Allergology and Rheumatology
Region Western Europe
Country United Kingdom

Evidence-based updates of best clinical practice across the spectrum of musculoskeletal conditions.

Best Practice & Research: Clinical Rheumatology keeps the clinician or trainee informed of the latest developments and current recommended practice in the rapidly advancing fields of musculoskeletal conditions and science.

The series provides a continuous update of current clinical practice. It is a topical serial publication that covers the spectrum of musculoskeletal conditions in a 4-year cycle. Each topic-based issue contains around 200 pages of practical, evidence-based review articles, which integrate the results from the latest original research with current clinical practice and thinking to provide a continuous update.

Each issue follows a problem-orientated approach that focuses on the key questions to be addressed, clearly defining what is known and not known. The review articles seek to address the clinical issues of diagnosis, treatment and patient management. Management is described in practical terms so that it can be applied to the individual patient. The serial is aimed at the physician in both practice and training.

The Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology series provides up-to-date and expert information and opinion by drawing on Guest Editors and authors renowned for their expertise. This ongoing review of topics makes the serial ideally suited to supporting everyday clinical practice, for training needs as well as for maintaining knowledge and competency.

Volume 22 (Volume 2008):

1. Connective tissue diseases
M. Matucci-Cerinic & D. Furst

2. Musculoskeletal science
T. Pap & U. Muller-Ladner

3. How to manage chronic musculoskeletal conditions - the principles
P. Brooks & P. Conaghan

4. Miscellanous inflammatory musculoskeletal conditions
J. Sibilia & H. Zeidler

5. Musculoskeletal conditions in the developing world
G. Mody & R. Handa

6. Imaging in musculoskeletal conditions
M. Cimmino and W. Grassi

Volume 23 (2009):

1. Early rheumatoid arthritis

2. Vasculitis

3. How to do - practical procedures

4. Back pain

5. Systemic lupus erythematosus

6. Osteoporosis

Volume 24 (2010):

1. Osteoarthritis

2. Paediatric rheumatology

3. How to manage chronic musculoskeletal conditions - a systematic approach to specific problems

4. Pharmacotherapy

5. Spondylo-arthropathies

6. Prevention / epidemiology

This free sample chapter is being provided to demonstrate the Journal's approach to topics across the spectrum of musculoskeletal conditions.


  1. Best Practice and Research in Clinical Rheumatology is published by Bailliere Tindall Ltd
  2. It is an oppen access journal
  3. The Subject Area : Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, Immunology, Allergology and Rheumatology

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