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Horticultural Plant Journal

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Open Access YES
E-ISSN 2666-5514
Area Economics and Econometrics

Horticultural Plant Journal (HPJ) is an international open access publication. HPJ covers all aspects of horticultural crop sciences, including, but not limited to:
Genetics, genomics and breeding
Cellular and molecular biology
Plant pathology
Germplasm resources
Postharvest processing

HPJ publishes original research articles, reviews and short communications. The strict peer-review procedure guarantees a high academic level and has led to the journal being indexed in many important databases, including SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded), Scopus, Biological Abstracts (BA) & BIOSIS Previews (BP), the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), CABI Abstracts, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, CSCD (Chinese Science Citation Database) and CSTPCD (China Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database).

HPJ authors benefit from publishing open access on ScienceDirect, sharing their discoveries with international communities, quality peer-review, easy online submission and fast publication.


  1. It is an oppen access journal
  2. The Subject Area : Economics and Econometrics

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