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Applied Acoustics

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This journal is included in the ResearchGuide whitelist of reputable titles. Learn more here.

Publisher Elsevier Ltd.
Open Access YES
Quartile Q1
Citation Count 4830
P-ISSN 0003-682X
E-ISSN 1872-910X
Categories Acoustics and Ultrasonics
Area Mechanical Engineering, Acoustics and Ultrasonics
Region Western Europe
Country United Kingdom

Applied Acoustics is a leading international journal that reports original scientific research in acoustics with broad impact in engineering applications. Applied Acoustics spans a wide range of fields including architectural and building acoustics, environmental and industrial noise, marine acoustics, engineering noise control, acoustic materials and acoustic signal processing. Papers should include an experimental component or experimental validation of a proposed theoretical or numerical model, with application to a practical acoustical problem. Papers describing laboratory experiments must demonstrate significant advances in methodology or new insights provided by the data. Cutting-edge multidisciplinary research across all areas of acoustics is welcome.

Applied Acoustics publishes both full length Research Papers and short Technical Notes. We welcome papers in the following key areas in acoustics:

Acoustic Instrumentation
Acoustic metamaterials
Acoustic signal processing
Architectural acoustics
Building acoustics
Environmental acoustics
Linear acoustics
Marine acoustics
Medical acoustics
Musical acoustics
Noise control
Nonlinear acoustics
Numerical methods in acoustics
Physical acoustics
Physiological acoustics
Sound absorbing materials
Structural acoustics


Highlights are mandatory for this journal as they help increase the discoverability of your article via search engines. Highlights consist of a short collection of bullet points that capture (where relevant) the new designs, methods and techniques considered in your work as well as any novel results arising from your study. Highlights should be submitted in a separate file in the online submission system. Please use 'Highlights' in the file name and include 3 to 5 bullet points (maximum 100 characters including spaces per bullet point).

Statement of Novelty and Significance

A statement of novelty and significance must be submitted during the online submission system. The statement should be a maximum of 100 words. When preparing the statement of novelty and significance, please make sure to address (a) the novelty of your work with respect to existing literature, (b) the significance of the problem, (c) the innovation of your methodology and/or techniques, and (d) the significant outcomes of your work. Papers that lack a convincing statement of novelty and significance will be rejected and not sent for further peer review. It should be noted that the statement of novelty and significance should not be a retelling of the abstract. Please use 'Statement' in the file name.

The Review Process

The Editors reserve the right to decline, without external review, papers that do not meet the following criteria:
Do not fit the scope of the journal;
Do not exhibit sufficient novelty and innovation or contribute only incremental advances to the state of the art;
Contain fundamental and/or highly theoretical work that does not demonstrate sufficient emphasis on practical application;
Contain too many grammatical errors and poor clarity of writing.


  1. Applied Acoustics is published by Elsevier Ltd.
  2. It is an oppen access journal
  3. The Subject Area : Mechanical Engineering, Acoustics and Ultrasonics

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